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Yes, get rid of VAR! It has squeezed the joy out of the game. Part of football's beauty is that it can NEVER be perfect

It feels like a lifetime ago now but I was once an enthusiastic proponent of VAR. I thought it would prevent injustice. I thought it would stop the bigger clubs getting more than their fair share of home-town decisions.

I thought it would take pressure off referees and their assistants and reduce the abuse aimed at them. I thought it would stop endless arguments about whether a decision was right and quell absurd accusations about corruption. I thought it would make football even better. I was wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong.

And now, if the proposal to scrap VAR in English football gathers pace and if there is even a sliver of hope that Premier League clubs vote to rid it from the game this summer, I would bid it good riddance without hesitation and put the whole wretched experiment down to experience.